Rhapis Excelsa (Lady Palm)
Sun – Partial sunlight to shade. Moist soil. Rhapis grow best in bright, indirect light near a window or skylight. Best for indoor use, placed in a light area, out of direct sunlight.
TIP: Whether sun or shade-loving, turn your indoor palm a ¼ turn from time to time so each side receives the stronger light. This helps it to be symmetrical and straight in stature.
Watering – Rhapis should be thoroughly watered by soaking or drenching the entire root system. They like their soil to stay moist. Drying the soil severely can cause the foliage to turn gray, and tips to burn.
Pruning – New fronds come out from the center of the trunk. Trim off lower leaves as they age and become discolored. If new growth is dead, the whole trunk needs to be cut out, because it has rotted, and the leaves will all eventually become dry and brown.
It is a common characteristic of Rhapis to have a brown tip or edge on the leaves. Brown leaf damage is usually associated with extreme heat, allowing the plant to dry out, or not thoroughly watering the entire root system. Any damaged brown leaf tips can have the tips trimmed.
Remember, Rhapis grow slow so don’t remove the whole leaf. Black tips are not common and is usually associated with some type of excess, such as fertilizer or over-watering.
Fertiliser – Rhapis are relatively slow-growing plants and need very little fertilizer. Apply half of what you would to other plants.